Dr Marion Tan from the CRISiSLab presented on a webinar organised by the YESS Community and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) on the topic of citizen science and high impact weather.
The webinar was co-presented with Dr David Hoffmann and Dr Beth Ebert from the Bureau of Meteorology (Australia). The webinar presentation delved into the transformative power of citizen science in high-impact weather events. Drawing from a research paper, the speakers explore how citizen science projects bridge critical gaps within the warning value chain. Through valuable observations, data verification, and engagement, citizen science has the potential to revolutionize weather forecasting, warning communication, and decision-making processes.
The webinar had a great interactive Q&A session discussing difficult but important questions such as "has the concept of the warning value chain been validated?" and "is it going too far to consider conducting surveys as citizen science?". Know more about the concept of hte warning value chain and citizen science by watching the webinar and interesting Q&A session.