About Us
CRISiSLab is a state-of-the-art modern research and learning laboratory at Massey University, Wellington, within the Joint Centre for Disaster Research (JCDR). The lab specialises in conducting research at the intersection of technology and human behaviour.
The CRISiSLab provides advanced hardware and software resources and physical space for conducting experiments, simulations, and testing technologies and systems. It is also a collaborative learning environment where researchers and students can work together to explore new frontiers in crisis management.
CRISiSLab comprises a team of skilled researchers and students engaged in cutting-edge research on various areas, including artificial intelligence, big data analytics, decision support systems, warning systems, low-resourced telecommunications, technology acceptance, and end-user behaviour.
The people at CRISiSLab are committed to exploring new frontiers in the exciting and dynamic field of crisis management through its state-of-the-art resources and collaborative learning environment. We welcome collaborations and proposals from researchers and potential students who share our passion for innovative technological solutions to crisis management challenges.