The 2023 QuakeCoRE Annual Meeting was held in Napier from 29-31 August. Almost 250 attendees from different organisations within and outside Aotearoa New Zealand came to exchange research progress and ideas on earthquake resilience.
CRISiSLab research contributes to Te Hiranga Rū QuakeCoRE's mission through the Interdisciplinary Programme 4 research agenda on "Harnessing Disruptive Technologies for Seismic Resilience." The CRISiSLab team presented our research to the community through various activities, such as the poster sessions and showcase, the Lightning Talks competition, and the public talk.

Alicia Cui presented "CRISiSLab: Advancing Resilience through Innovative Technology for Disaster Management, a poster summarising our research themes and projects. Alfredo Jaramillo showcased his research topic on monitoring coastal cliffs using citizen science. Chanthujan Chandrakumar summarised his work on extending earthquake early warning windrow through a P-wave algorithm. Danuka Ravishan presented the early concept of his thesis, looking into artificial intelligence and edge computing for earthquake early warning. Raj Prasanna's poster featured a feasibility project using LPWAN architecture for earthquake early warning. Marion Tan's poster showed partial results of a technology adoption study on earthquake early warning.
Chanthujan also presented during the QuakeCoRE student Lightning Talks competition. In a 5-minute 5-slides format, he shared his research on false and missed detection performance analysis of an experimental earthquake early warning network.

Aside from the main conference for researchers, this year QuakeCoRE featured a public talk inviting people from Napier to hear about the latest on earthquake research. Marion, along with Matt Gerstenberger from GNS Science and Lauren Vinnell, a CRISiSLab collaborator, from the Joint Centre Disaster Research, shared their expertise at the public event entitled "Aotearoa New Zealand's Rumbling Reality: Uncovering Earthquake Risks and Responses." Matt shared about the New Zealand National Seismic Model. Lauren presented on people's behaviour during earthquakes. Marion then shared the recent progress on earthquake early warning research in Aotearoa New Zealand.