On the 2nd of June, 2022, CRISiSLab conducted the newest webinar presented by some of our team members. The topic is: “Saving Precious Seconds – A New Decentralised Architecture for Earthquake Early Warning”.
A good Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) should have two key components: The social and technical parts. We are doing both in our feasibility study of exploring the EEW in Aotearoa New Zealand. For our regular CRISiSLab webinars, we invited speakers from around the world to share their findings and progress in the areas of both aspects. Last year, our social science team shared our report on community engagement, and the latest webinar was showcasing the technical findings from our technical team, following up with the recently published journal paper.
Four speakers from CRISiSLab did an awesome presentation collaboratively. Demonstrating below are some screenshots from the webinar.
CRISiSLab Lead Dr Raj Prasanna shared the background and motivation for the research. Seismologist Dr Caroline Holden introduced earthquake detection in general and why we selected PLUM as the ground motion detection. And then, RNC funded PhD student Chanthujan Chandrakumar shared the current state of the art of the low-cost EEW. And ICT expert Dr Amal Punchihewa explained what decentralised architecture and node-level processing are in his session.
In the Q&A session, some very interesting questions were raised, and the CRISiSLab webinar, again, hosted an engaging and successful webinar.
Here is the full recording of the webinar.