Our CRISiSLab Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) Webinar continues and we are excited to announce our next speaker Prof. Tun Wang from China to talk about “Earthquake Early Warning in China and Beyond”
Date: 8 June 2023 (Thursday)
Time: 2:00 – 3:00 PM (NZT)
Zoom link: https://massey.zoom.us/j/81660682190
RSVP here https://forms.gle/Rwagg3RYLyCLYQba9 to get a calendar invite so you don't miss it!
Dr Wang is a leading figure in developing Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) technology in China. Deeply affected by the devastating 2008 Sichuan earthquake, he returned to his hometown in Sichuan from the US, where he had just completed his PhD in Physics. He then established the Institute of Care-Life to focus on research and development of EEW technology in China.
Over the past fifteen years, his team has made significant advancements in EEW technology and established a multi-hazard warning platform. This platform has so far successfully issued warnings for 977 diverse hazard events, including earthquakes, landslides, debris flows, floods, forest fires, and more.
Dr Wang will be touching on all of the things to give us an overview of what's been done within his Institute of Care-Life.