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CRISiSLab Summer Internship Project: LoRa - an alternative for Internet during a disaster

For our summer internship project, this year's CRISiSLab Challenge winners Mihir Rallapudi, Alex Vautier, and Brian Ngan from Wellington College join one of last year's winners Lev Peterson from Wellington High School and Massey University 3rd year Mechatronics Engineering student Pudara Perera to conduct an exciting project on investigating the feasibility of some of the commonly available LoRa (Long Range - is a physical proprietary radio communication technique) products to operate as an alternative technology to capture data from sensors installed in buildings during disaster situations. They will be testing the performance of some of the commonly available LoRa chips by varying the amount of data to be transmitted and the distance between the transmitting device and the device that's going to process sensor data. This work directly contributes to the broader research conducted by the CRISiSLab team on the topic of "Feasibility of LPWAN (Low Power Wide Area Network) Communication Architecture for Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) and Building/Infrastructure Monitoring Systems"



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